A quick update:
12/15: We sold our beloved home. We had a burning desire and drive to get out of debt, so we sold our home we loved so much and made so many memories in. We took the equity and bought a house in the country. No mortgage! Praise the Father! While we love being mortgage free and the privacy of country living, we have been praying deeply about moving.
We are from the Chicagoland area and miss the weather. Nuts, I know. But after reading "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies" with my son and realizing he didn't know what a snowman was because he's never really experienced snow, I knew in my heart I wanted to be back north.
My husband, twins and I have such fond memories of snow and actually having four seasons, we don't want to miss that another year. We are also quite weary of the heat, the southern bugs and the fact that we had a snake in our house recently, is just enough for us to say goodbye to the south. So, prayerfully, we will be much closer to "home" next summer, if God is willing.
1/16: What a way to start the new year! We found out we're expecting another blessing! He/she is due 9/16!
2/3/16: Our little Prince, Noah, turned 3!
5/5/16: Another blessed anniversary with the love of my life!
5/22/16: I don't know how it happened but, the twins are now 14! They celebrated with a day out with Dad and my brother and then enjoyed a dinner with with my sisters. I stayed home with the littles and tried to keep my sickness at bay.
7/24/16: Miss Mandi turned 8!
9/16: We began a new school year! The twins are beginning year 10/11 Ambleside. Mandi is in grade 3 CLE Math and we are going through The Prairie Primer. We are also reading some selections from Ambleside year 2 to ease her into her first full year of Ambleside next year. Noah and Phoebe are enjoying Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week! This is the second time I get to "teach" this! Mandi loved it when she completed it many years ago.
9/17/16: I sit here now 39+ weeks waiting on our new baby to arrive any day now.
That was a super fast synopsis. I know. I shall do my best to keep up with this thing. Maybe once a month? I don't know. I do know however, that my heart is willing, yet many times my body is tired. So when I do have a spare moment, I'm usually finding rest.
I will be back soon! Be blessed everyone!