As a young girl, I enjoyed reading. I read for excitement, I admit, I even found joy in reading the dictionary! That was because I loved learning. I was always ready for a new mental challenge and I found that in reading and learning. As time went on and I got older, I was required to read certain selections in school. Selections I found awful. They were dry, boring unexciting. History was one of my most hated subjects. The textbooks were an unenthusiastic, simple retelling of events, lacking the ability to unlock true emotions of learning historical events. The adventure, heartache, excitement and sadness of true historical events, all hidden from me via textbooks. My love for reading was carried away with each passing school year.  

Our twins were publicly schooled until the middle of third grade and in that short time, I saw their reading enjoyment dwindle away. Since we began this homeschooling journey, I purposed to rekindle their love for reading that textbooks nearly blotted out. In reading living books in homeschool, my girls enjoy reading again and now, so much so, that we are using Ambleside, a curriculum that is all reading.  The neatest thing about homeschooling is that I'm getting to learn everything all over again, but with the thrill that learning new information brings! History, my least favorite subject, is now one of my favorites thanks to real books..and lots of museum visits!

Last year we started reading the Bible from the beginning as a family. Our goal is to read it through once about every 9-10 months at four chapters per day. The thought of such an accomplishment for our young children makes my heart smile! Something I've discussed with my husband is that I'd love to keep a running list of books we've read so I can look back on the years and see our children's progress, as well as our progress as a reading family. Here it is: 

*Still in progress*

2014: **still in progress**

Left behind, kids books 1-16
Heaven is For Real
The Whipping Boy
The Westing Game

The Three little Pigs
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Minnie and Moo Go Dancing
Minnie and Moo Go to Space
Curious George
Biscuit and the Baby
Duck on a Bike
If You Give a Pig a Pancake
If You Give a Moose a Muffin

Family driven faith
Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit
A Woman After God's Own Heart
20 and Counting
A Love That Multiplies
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Visionary Marriage
Visionary Parenting
Created to be His Helpmeet
Keeping Our Children's Hearts

Family Driven Faith
Visionary Marriage
Visionary Parenting
Keeping Our Children's Hearts


Mommy's read alouds (I read these to all my children together.)
Storytime with the Millers
Wisdom and the Millers
Little House in the Big Woods *still reading...

A Young Woman's Walk With God
Anne of Green Gables
Missionary Stories With the Millers 

Storytime With the Millers
Wisdom and the Millers
Helen Keller 
The Blessings Jar
Little House in the Big Woods
Olivia... and the Missing Toy

Toy Story
A Little Boy After God's Own Heart
Curious George Cleans Up

Created to be His Helpmeet
Homeschooling With a Meek And Quiet Spirit
What He Must Be...If He Wants To marry My Daughter
Before You Meet Prince Charming

What He Must Be...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter

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