Friday, September 9, 2011

Down for 4 out of 5...but on the rise!

So our first day of school was August 8, 2011. The week went off without a hitch. Each day was more awesome than the last. Mandi cooperated well and was super excited about learning her "yetters". The twins adjusted well and were in good spirits. I was ecstatic. 'If each week is like this, I'm golden.' I thought. Then, Saturday the 13th rolled around and I was a little achy. I figured I was dehydrated. The whole week I was more focused on being prepared for the day than healthy for myself. I was staying up late, waking up early, barely eating during our lunch breaks and not drinking much either. In retrospect, I was wracking my immune system. I got sick. :-(

For four out of our five weeks in school, I've been sick. My husband was, according to the girls a great substitute! He was such an amazing help for all these weeks. He took over for me with great ease. I'm grateful for sure! Today, is September 9, and I'm finally out of the house and on with normal life. Being sick for one month was no fun. Glad that's behind me!


 -Still doesn't prefer History.
 -Loves math, but still doesn't prefer subtraction.
 -Continues to work on not giving up.
 -Has awesome handwriting.
 -Is breezing through all of our curriculum so far.

 -Still doesn't prefer History either.
 -Loves math and hasn't been phased by any of the concepts yet.
 -Is working on her handwriting.
 -Continues to be a wonderful motivator for her sisters as well as myself.

 -Is enjoying every bit of her "___" of the week curriculum!
 -She now recognizes about 20 letters.
 -Knows the sound of letters A, B, C, D, E, F, K, M, P, V and W.
 -Can count to 17.
 -Is proud to hold up 3 fingers and show that she is "dwee".
 -Knows all of the colors and is recognizing the different hues of pink in comparison with red.
 -Consistently points out her letter of the week around the house or on television.
 -She now says a really awesome prayer at dinner and is proud when it's her turn.

 -Happy to be well! :-)

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