Saturday, November 9, 2013

Homeschool Blog Awards...Thank you!

It was brought to my attention via my Facebook page for this blog, that there existed such as thing as the, "Homeschool Blog Awards" and that I had been nominated! Now, normally, I would be elated, because I would probably had known I was in the running. However, no. I had NO idea and to be honest, I'm shocked, albeit, in a good way!

I admit, I often neglect my blog. I sometimes go weeks, even months at a time without posting. Truth is, I get wrapped up in this interesting and busy life I have. It's not that I have nothing to write about, I just forget to do it.

With that said, thank you all for sticking around. I've noticed MANY new faces and page views around here. I initially attributed it to my article in the Above Rubies magazine last month.  Either way, your continued visits, even in the midst of a dry spell are the encouragement I need to keep up to date on here.

Thank you all for voting! As of tonight I am at 1,000 votes! My mind is officially boggled. I humbly thank you. Blessings to you all!

These are all of our smiling in appreciation faces! 11/2013

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